#1893 Zumbizada: Adversarios vencidos (Jugadores)

Rango Nombre Derrotado
1 Like the Beatz 3.971.269
2 Gongor 1.180.330
3 general diogo 1.085.820
4 Ms.NoooB 950.193
5 chomy 825.246
6 Shernobyl 686.503
7 tup3u 615.088
8 Masz Problem?? 614.971
9 gvfcdc 610.933
10 Yiosue 607.533
11 Pursuit of Epicness 526.084
12 N.a..c...h....o..... 360.581
13 jocovi 297.939
14 Fear Crads 288.941
15 gonzaloc4 261.155